“We preserve the past for the future.” Fine art restoration studio Kerat.
Frederik Cnockaert independant fine art painting restorer

Fine art works of art often suffer from neglect, ageing, improper restorations, accidents, etc. Valuable works of art are exposed to light,  temperature and to fluctuations in humidity. That’s why a regular examination by an expert is needed. In such research, we set the highest standards and use state-of-the-art technology. This applies equally to our restoration methods. 

Our philosophy is to alter the artwork as little as possible with respect to the original intention of the artist. To that end, we examine each work of art closely and tailor our methodologies to meet both the needs of the painting and client. We use only the finest materials and techniques which are found in major museums around the world. In accordance with our belief that restoration should be noninvasive, all of the work we do is fully reversible.

Kerat boasts numerous references in both public and private collections. We guarantee that you’re work of art is handled and refurbished with the utmost care and a high sense of responsibility. After careful examination of you work of art we propose a treatment and offer a price quotation. After consulting with the client a reasonable deadline is set for restoration. In consultation with you we determine a reasonable period for the restoration. uring the process of restoration a file with pictures is prepared to illustrate the delicate process and useful information is also added. This is of vital importance as it may be used for future identification in case of fire, theft, accident or other forms of damage. On top of that we also offer advice on how to best conserve your restored work of art. Our studio is specialised in conservation and restoration of old historical art, modern and contemporary art, paintings, sculptures, frames and art objects ... For museums, professional collectors, churches and art lovers. All the art works are insured while in our hands and our studio is alarm protected and fully equipped to handle smal as large paintings